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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Spanking Threats for Strict Wives

   A strict wife knows that an implied spanking threat made at the right time will make her naughty husband smarten up fast. Here area few of my favourites......   

Judging by the smile on her face and the look of anguish on his , she is looking forward to administering some well deserved discipline once she gets him home.Meanwhile her threat will ensure he is on his best behaviour for the rest of the evening!                                            

His upturned hands and defensive posture show that he knows exactly what she means and is already pleading for leniency. However , based on her demeanour she is in no mood to be lenient with him and that 'discussion' will be taking place very soon - with him bare bottomed over her lap!

This strict wife has already made the decision to administer some well deserved discipline and her palm on his chest and wagging finger warn him that he best not argue or he will only get it worse!
By the look on his face he has already accepted her decision.

This lady rolls up her sleeve to get down to some serious business. Her threat lets him know that this spanking is going to really hurt!

There is that wagging finger again and the classic hand on hip pose to let him know he is in big trouble.
This is one husband who will be eating breakfast standing up and will not criticize her cooking again!

The bath brush is one of the most potent weapons in a strict wife's arsenal and the mere sight of it will have him trembling before her.
This wife makes it clear to her errant husband exactly which part of his anatomy will be feeling its wrath!

Sometimes with company or family around a well earned spanking will have to wait.
However , a strict wife will still make a point of announcing to him in front of others that he will be dealt with after they have left.

Some husbands just  never learn. It would appear his wife has warned him he was on thin ice but still he persisted leaving her with no choice but to dispense the stern discipline he talked himself into.
The playful smirk on her face indicates she is really going to enjoy it.

Looks like he has been giving her attitude all day and now he will be singing another tune.
Most likely a tune with lots of "OW's" and "OUCHES" with his strict wife accompanying him with a hairbrush or paddle percussion!
Afterwards expect him to perform a classic 'spanking jig' for her amusement!

The look of pain on his face shows that he will do anything to avoid a session with her dreaded hairbrush - and she knows it!

Now that she has given him what he deserved and has his full attention she is giving him the opportunity to redeem himself ....but not before she  has some fun teasing him about the sore backside she just gave him!
Perhaps she will relent and permit him a pillow?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

She's the Boss - Movie Spanking FM

In this sequel to the 1935 hit 'She Married her Boss' ,  Secretary Julia (played by Claudette Colbert) takes charge of her Boss's ( Melvyn Douglas ) household , and his spoilt brat of a daughter , but it's also time for Julia to take charge of her new husband .

Julia tells her new husband that she intends to discipline him in the same way she tamed his naughty daughter but adds , "I'll need a much harder brush for you darling!"

Richard soon discovers his new bride is true to her word , and in a hilarious scene Julia's brush is applied to her husband's behind !
In fact this happens with such frequency that he needs to conduct his business meetings standing up!

He may be a brash businessman by day , but at home Richard spends spends much of the movie over his pretty wife's lap or bent over a sofa or chair while she applies the brush where 'it does do him most good'.
The result is a hilarious comedy with Colbert 'warming' to her task and Douglas  as the stubborn but obedient husband.
Be careful if you bring your wife or girl to see this movie may give her some ideas!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Brides in India presented with Paddles to Discipline their Husbands - News Article

It appears that 700 new husbands in India will spend their wedding night with very sore backsides after their brides were presented at the wedding ceremony with brand new paddles to discipline their husbands should they become drunk or abusive.

 This Brides Mother appears to be giving her some last minute advice on how to paddle her new husband
 These wives look like they mean business , especially the little one in the middle who looks like she can't wait to use her paddle . Her new husband looks absolutely terrified.
                This new bride has that ' just wait until I get you home look' on her face.

In the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, 700 brides at a mass wedding were presented with wooden paddles and told to use them as should their husbands become drunk or abusive.The paddles are normally used for getting dirt out of clothes in traditional laundries, but those given out to the brides were stamped with pink and blue messages saying "a gift to keep drunks in check" and "police won't say anything".At the ceremony in central India over the weekend, Gopal Bhargava, the minister of social justice and rural development, presented women with the paddles and urged them to put them to use if necessary.He said: “If your husband or any other member of family comes home drunk, treat him with it.” Mr Bhargava has ordered nearly 10,000 bats for distribution to newlywed women.Mr Bhargava said he got the idea for the wedding presents when a woman asked him whether she should get her husband to stop drinking by beating him with a wooden paddle. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Classic Spanking Comics

A Gentleman could never spank a lady on her bare bottom until they are married.
She looks like she can't wait.

Is he making her burn the toast on purpose to find an  excuse to spank her. Won't be long until her buns are toasted too!

Another spoilt lady from the east gets what she deserves ...and missed terribly -a good old fashioned spanking!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Teachers Pet - FM Movie Poster

I'm a great fan of old classic movies and had a real crush on Doris Day in my youth.
Her  movie with Clark Gable featured her as a Teacher trying to educate a wily and reluctant reporter played by Clark Gable.

I must say I was disappointed that Miss Day was not really the strict Teacher we all would have liked.
It would have been wonderful to see Gable's character receive his comeuppance by bending over for '12 of the best' from Miss Day or , even better , go over her lap for a good dose of her hairbrush.

Unfortunately it didn't happen in the movie so I will do my best to pretend that it did.......

A warm backside brings out his romantic side.....

Is your bottom still sore from that spanking I gave your darling?

I did warn you Mr. Gannon.Now bend over the desk please!

Boy are you gonna get it when I get you home mister!

Enjoying the view Mr Gannon?

I know, I's your hairbrush honey...Er sorry....Ma'am.

                              BEND OVER!

This time your getting 12 with your pants down!

Having trouble sitting are we Mr. Gannon?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Teacher's Pet Movie Poster - MF Spanking tease

This German poster for the 1949 movie 'Teacher's Pet' suggests that Clark Gable may have spanked the delectable Doris Day. Unfortunately the spanking didn't happen in the movie...still a nice poster though!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Desperate Housewives SPANK ! - FM Spanking parody

When this show was first aired I was sure it would break new ground and be filled with spankings but unfortunately I was long again.
Rex did ask Bree to spank him in one episode but she showed as little enthusiasm as the writers.
It would have been wonderful to see each and every one of them get their little tushies warmed but alas this will remain a fantasy.
Most of the housewives looked like they could give out a spanking so here are some scenes that never happened , except in my imagination....