We may not have s cure for COVID 19 yet , but most Wive's have a ready made cure for the 'Irritable Husband Syndrome' which results from spending all this extra time alone with Hubbie.
So I invite you ladies to share this post with your Husbands by text , messaging , facebook , instagram , email or just post it on the fridge door , inviting him to a 'Discussion' to improve his rapidly deteriorating attitude.
Please feel free to share with other like-minded Wives or Girlfriends.
Of course this won't be a 'discussion' in the true sense of the word , as you and your Hairbrush will be doing all the talking , and his only contributions will be lots of "OUCHES!","OWS!" and "YES MA'AMS!"
The 'Discussion' will be a welcome release for you , leaving you with a satisfied glow , and leave a certain part of HIS anatomy with a lingering and burning glow of a different kind !
Above all , stay safe , have fun , and keep on spanking Ladies!